Leo Strauss Krakow Tarcov As The Neocon Party Spectacularly Goes Down In Flames, Is Leo Strauss Rolling In His Grave?

As the neocon party spectacularly goes down in flames, is Leo Strauss rolling in his grave? - leo strauss krakow tarcov

Or is it in your little corner of hell, crazy, soon many souls that are always fresh neoconservative and begin to share with him?


Brad V said...

We expect everyone to fall asleep at the wheel, and you. Oh, you can take your liberal, but who the hell is going around this country, in this case to protect?

People are stupid, just follow world events, right? Have you ever seen the long list of long land are ready to jump on the United States? And while the answer is someone like Obama, is the plan to reason with people like Kim Jong Il, Chavez, Castro, Morales, Ahmadinejad, Putin, Assad, bin Laden, Hu, to know?

Vampire Knight said...

Libtards you have to offer really nothing better to do than rhetoric.

Chuck U. Farley said...

Forget about the liberals are the most conservative people in this country.
Hey Don,
If Billary and Osama are here, Who's Running Hell?

Helios said...

I hear Satan has a new wing on the ring 4 just for the hell has neo-conservatives. They call it "neo-Hell", and every night we play tapes of Colbert's routine at dinner at the White House press.

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