Bearded Dragon Cages I'm Building A Custom Bearded Dragon Cage, What Is Good Or Bad?

I'm building a custom bearded dragon cage, what is good or bad? - bearded dragon cages

I'm building a custom bearded dragon cage. It consists of two parts, one for men and one for women. There are 48 L x 24 W x 20 H. Is this a good size? I mean it's going to be stackable and thought it would be easy to recognize. Have an open glass envelope with a padlock Plexy only my nephew comes and wants to play with them. With a day and spend the night. And a rock face so it looks like the desert for them. I just want to know if there is a good size. Since I have three dragons. 2 men and a woman. I wanted to make a cage of section 4. Each cage 24 L x 24 W x 20 H each cage. So, what is the best individual cage or cage of the long separation of sex?


Zoe said...

A Beardie take long, 4 feet, about six feet, so you should have two cages in 48 L x 24 W x 20 H (there is also a reason that only 20H? You really do not need more height, but in any Beardie case his use of a certain level - they want to) climb.
You can use a male and two females in another cage, where 2 feet four and one third the size of the cage have if you want to put a Togther men and women;)

snake_gi... said...

I agree with the previous response in relation to the room ... Remain so if you are building with wood, far away from aromatic types such as cedar. They are toxic to reptiles.

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